Just read my Poem : The Great Invisible Time

 Hope you'll definitely enjoy it  

Sketch drawn by Diksha Saha

The Great Invisible Time

I keep on flying and flying, 
But I never look back; 
I keep on flowing and flowing, 
But I never return back. 

I rotate alongwith the rotation of the Earth, 
I revolve alongwith the revolution of the Earth; 
I can’t stop for a while like the living beings, 
I can’t sleep for a while like the human beings; 
Once I bid farewell to you, 
Again I’ll never meet you; 
If you want to find me, 
You can find me in your memories; 
If you utilise me in right deeds, 
You’ll find sweet memories; 
If you utilise me in wrong deeds, 
You’ll find bitter memories;
If you waste me, 
Surely you’ll regret. 

God has created me to teach the human beings,
About the art of punctuality, 
About the art of discipline; 
The Almighty has made me to realise every men and women, 
That idleness leads to destruction, 
That activeness leads to development. 

You call me by different names in different forms, 
You call me by the name ‘Second’, 
You call me by the name ‘Hour’, 
You call me by the name ‘Day’, 
You call me by the name ‘Year’; 
But I’m totally different than you think, 
I’m fully unique than you can ever imagine; 
I’ve higher value than gold, 
I’ve greater value than money, 
I’m the heaviest wealth of your entire life, 
I’m the most powerful weapon of this entire universe, 
But no one realises me, 
No one recognises me; 
To realise me you’ve to enlighten yourself, 
To recognise me you’ve to identify your ambitions yourself. 

Neither I run very fast like a Cheetah, 
Nor I walk very slow like a Turtle; 
Neither you can touch me, 
Nor you can catch me; 
I just keep on moving steadily, 
I just pass through your life, 
Without any rest, 
Without any pause; 
Learn to match your steps with me, 
Learn to keep your pace with me, 
Because for you I’m the prime, 
I’m the great invisible Time.

             - Written by Manash Pratim Bhatta


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